Donation Appeal 2024

You've installed Betterbird in 2024 or created a new profile.

Did you know that less than 1% of Betterbird users support the project financially?

Not too long ago there was no alternative for discerning e-mail users, now there is Betterbird. It’s because of donations from that small group of users that we are here today! We don’t show advertisements or sell your data and we are completely funded by donations from our users.

Will you support our work today? For donations via PayPal, please click the button.

Euro donations (preferred)US dollar donations

PayPal commissions and currency conversion fees are way too high, so please consider a different way to donate. Please contact us for details, direct transfers in Europe (Euros/SEPA), UK, USA (ACH), Australia, New Zealand and other countries are possible. This is particularly important for significant amounts or any donation in Euros.